Total land area - 2,46,450 sq ft.
covered area - 1,17000 sq ft.
Toilet area - 408 sq ft.
Drier room area - 756 sq ft.
Guard room area - 100 sq ft.
Electric panel room area - 100 sq ft.
height - 45 ft clear height at center,
34 ft clear height at side.
RCC mat capacity - 10 MT FM2 flooring inside shed.
NO of docs - 12 no of shutters at front side.
- 13 no of shutters on right on 19 m clear road.
-06 no of shutters at left side on 13 m clear road.
-10 mtr wide back side road around the warehouse
*Located just 35 km from Indra Gandhi international airport .
*Close and well connected to highway and KMP Express way.
*DHVNL connection 200 kwt power supply.
*2,50,000 ltr water tank for fire fighting system and water requirment with 4 "(delivery)submersible with 7.5 H.P.
*Well functioning 7 no rain water harvesting system.
*1,40,000 sq ft parking area with paver block Road.
*Sprinkler automated fire fighting system.
*36 ft wide main gate.